
The media file [Myesha] is by CallahanFreet.

Myesha Callahan Freet

Sometimes I spiral. I don’t mean that in a “my life is such a crazy whirl wind of emotions” type of way, I mean it in a momentary “what was I thinking type way.”

Mentally packing for a two week excursion made me realize I have too many options. I use the word options very loosely.

The media file [Stages] is by CallahanFreet.

Untitled #48

I am now at the stage of my life where I want to be comfortable. I want to be subdued, yet me, in appearance if that makes sense.

The first time I can remember making a conscious purge I filled trash bags full of clothes and shoes and whatever the younger neighbor and her cousin didn’t take I donated.

I did a mindless purge when I moved out of my parents house. A mindful purge after living out of a bag for 3 weeks in Europe.

Now I’m here. Paring down once again. First I will say part of me is disgusted I have so much. Disgusted because so much is pointless. Disgusted because it’s just down right wasteful and materialistic. I have things I haven’t touched in literally years. There is also a part of me that gets excited about going through this process. There is something refreshing about simplifying my life. I ultimately want to make better decisions.

Purging together makes it even better.

The media file [Stages] is by CallahanFreet.

Untitled #49