Social Phenomenon

The media file [Myesha] is by CallahanFreet.

Myesha Callahan Freet

Mirroring is a social phenomenon where people mimic another person’s posture, gestures, and words. It’s often an unconscious behavior – we are rarely aware of it when we do it – but it’s a sign that people are attuned and in sync to one another. When two people are mirroring each other, it shows that there is comfort, trust, and rapport among them.

— Steven Handel

He told me “It is our preconceived notions about reality that disappoints us. Whenever you learn about how shitty reality actually is, it’s not fun. You can’t latch on to anything. Nothing is real.”

We know this.

Still we breath life into each other and love. We mourn our process through this life and create through the pain.

The media file [Social Phenomenon] is by CallahanFreet.
