Independent Perception

The media file [Christian] is by CallahanFreet.

Christian Freet

If the aspirant cannot muster in himself the inner courage patiently to face and suffer again and again the truth of what he is in himself, with all his open or hidden negativities, ill will, conceit, laziness, instability, stupidity, unreliability, and so on, then his sadhana will not have fulfilled its true function for his transformation.

ā€” Edward Salim Michael

Even though we share the same reality, our minds each render an independent perception of life. If we each experience it differently, what does that make reality?

Death is equally subjective, and your conception of it is just as valid as mine. What is more important is that we live without depending on the definition of what that means because, no matter what happens at its end, life will change. We say change is invariable, but death is the only true constant.

Regardless of its meaning, the uncertainty of reality brings paradoxical hope for the future: next week we explore our potential escape from the end of the universe.

The media file [Independent Perception] is by CallahanFreet.

Untitled Portrait