
The media file [Christian] is by CallahanFreet.

Christian Freet

The media file [Limitation] is by CallahanFreet.

Self-Portrait And Self Portrait

If there is tragic limitation in life there is also possibility. What we call maturity is the ability to see the two in some kind of balance into which we can fit creatively.

— Ernest Becker

The next ten years will bring a substantial transformation, and it often scares the fuck out of me to think about how much life will change. I have always suppressed the fear of nonexistence without considering that perception changes as we collect experience. So, maybe in five years I don’t care as much because the next five years are that much closer.

But, fear is just a scapegoat; I dread the inevitable only because of the difficulty I have with change. The inability to let go is proof of my untrained awareness.