
The media file [Christian] is by CallahanFreet.

Christian Freet

The fear of you and the terror of you will be on every beast of the earth and on every bird of the sky; with everything that creeps on the ground, and all the fish of the sea, into your hand they are given.

— Genesis 9:2, King James Bible

We seem to think of ourselves as holding the greatest intellect this planet has ever seen, but I’m not so sure this product of our awareness is the advantage we believe it is. Of course, there’s not a damn thing we can do about it now, but would we be better off without the gift we call “consciousness?”

Sometimes I wonder: would I be happier if I had no conception of happiness — or of anything else, for that matter? Isn’t that the state in which we believe all other animals live? And I don’t hear them complaining. What existential advantage have we gained from our capacity to extend our thinking beyond just ourselves? It may be an unpopular position, or perhaps ungrateful, but it appears that our form of consciousness is either extremely un-evolved (perhaps unrefined is a better word), or it is just not very good in nature.

For instance, when we are bored with life — and we are always bored — we fabricate problems. And, that we are so dependent on our perception is a double-negative since our fabrications tend to affect us more than the thing we call reality. If there actually is anything real about us (and that is open for debate), we are still trapped by our mentality and our interpretation of environment. Case in point: we fear everything unknown — especially death.

The media file [Devolution] is by CallahanFreet.

I'm thankful for being able to think and maintain awareness, but really only in a political sense. Yet, in a more honest sense, I don't give a damn about happiness or memorable sensations because life is what it is, regardless what I think about it.

But, for a moment let’s forget that we are a race of beings who write books assuring our future generations that we are all entitled to everything. What are we really doing with our thinking? Instead of investigating our capabilities — or perhaps even divesting ourselves of a reason for them — we interpret the nature of our “superior” intellect as the basis for any excuse we can conjure to do whatever the fuck we want.

You are a fluke. You are a separate event. And you run from the maternity ward to the crematorium and that’s it baby, that’s it.

— Alan Watts

Perhaps there are some who transcend the greatest capabilities among us, but we are all just self-interested babies with great communication skills and a capacity to remember. Plants may be better off than us. Maybe you can tell I’m not a big fan of us humans — but I am thankful that lions, squirrels, house cats, and amoeba don’t think the same way as us, or we wouldn’t need to imagine a state of constant danger.